segunda-feira, dezembro 11, 2006

Que tristeza!

A tristeza que Margaret Thatcher afirma sentir perante a morte de Pinochet apenas revela como foi possível a impunidade que o ditador gozou, até à morte. Quer os EUA quer o Reino Unido o protegeram, sob o cínico pretexto de um mundo livre. Aqui fica o link para o gracioso discurso que Thathcer proferiu em defesa de Pinochet em 1999. E uns destaques da imprensa de hoje:
Editorial do NY Times:
“At the time of his death, he was under indictment for kidnapping, torture and murder, as well as corruption-related charges of tax evasion and possession of false passports. Time has revealed that the once-admired General Pinochet was accomplished only at holding power. “
Editorial do El País:
“Pocos nombres condensan el horror y la desvergüenza con la eficacia con que lo hace el de Augusto Pinochet, el general golpista y luego dictador despótico y corrupto”
Artigo de Isabel Hilton, The Guardian
Augusto Pinochet had resorted so often to claims of ill health to avoid the pressing attentions of Chile's judges that even the administration of the last rites last week failed to convince his opponents that his end was near. Pinochet's long and brutal dictatorship and its half life of lingering political influence, had invested him with such iconic status that he seemed immortal.