segunda-feira, maio 23, 2005

Se quiser perder tempo

Alimentados pela esmagadora publicidade, os comentários à bodega de filme que é o Star Wars Episode III, foram mais do que muitos. As listagens para o ver, para o criticar, para o odiar e para perceber o seu sucesso não ficaram atrás. Gostei especialmente dos comentários de Anthony Lane na New Yorker desta semana. Para quem não tiver paciência para linkar, aqui ficam uns destaques: ”Sith. What kind of a Word is that? Sith. It sounds to me like the noise that emerges when you block one nostril and blow through the other, but to George Lucas it is a name that trumpets evil.”; “What can you say about a civilization where people zip from one solar system to the next as if they were changing socks but where a woman fails to register for an ultrasound, and thus realize that she is carrying twins until she is about to give to birth?”; “What Lucas has devised, over six movies, is a terrible puritan dream (…) Judging from the whoops and crownings that greeted the opening credits, this is the only dream we are good for. We get the films that we deserve”; “the wining entry is clear, shared between Anakin and Padmé for their exchange of endearments at home: - ‘You’re so beautiful’ – ‘That’s only because I’m so in love’ – ‘ No, that’s because I’m so in love with you’”. E, finalmente: “I keep thinking of the rueful Obi-Wan Kenobi (…) I can’t watch anymore, he says. Wise words, Obi-Wan, and I shall carry them in my heart.”